Calm ~ Angel Message
Maintain a calm demeanor despite adverse conditions. It does no one any favors, nor you, to lose your cool and control over any given situation....
Inspired ~ Angel Message; You are inspired to create art that reflects your world view. Art, in this case, can take various forms such as...


Fun ~ Angel Message: It’s all about having fun. Work and family obligations don’t have to be a chore. Life balance requires a little fun...
VIP Message for Joe; I feel so empty, like I’m waiting for something that never happens. I am lonely, but grateful for what I have...
Blessings; Angel Message Count your blessings. Focus your attention on all the good in your life. Give thanks for your health. Gives thanks for your...
Soul Plan
VIP Message for Jewel: What will my career or job ultimately look like for my highest destiny and soul plan? Laura Lee: When I asked your angel...
VIP Question from Cami: Can you give me any recommendations to find clarity in my work (life situation): I would love to go back to...