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A True Friend
VIP Spirit Message for Isabelle about a true friend:   Will my friendship with Bailey be true and long-lasting?   It depends on how you...
Angel Message for Week: Integrity. Each time you act with integrity, being honest with self and others, it sends off positive energy into the world....
Angel Message for July: The ‘Angel of Integrity’ redirects your attention back to the heart for divine guidance. You cannot control or manipulate outside forces to your will....
Angel Message for December: The ‘Angel of Responsibility’ gives you strength to take responsibility for your life ~ your world. “You’ve always had the power…”...
Angel Message for Week 2/9 ~ Integrity: I see archangel Uriel, glowing in a beautiful blue-ish light. His heart glimmers a gold white light ~...
Angel Message for wk 9/29 ~ Beauty: There is an angel that will tap her magic wand over your life this week to help you see...