Angel Message for April: Reconciliation. You reconcile a broken relationship. A repeated dynamic in this relationship left you feeling drained, dissatisfied, disappointed, angry, sad, mad or a mixed...
Angel Messages for November: The ‘Angel of Openness’ assist you in being receptive to others with your heart, mind and soul. Communication channels open freely, clear...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angels of Harmony’ sing heavenly praises over you. Up to now, things may have appeared out of sync and chaotic. It would have been...
Angel Message for April: The ‘Angel of Obedience’ has extended her visit for another month. She wants to be sure you got her signal! She’ll guide you to be...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Inspiration’ will impress a hopeful vision that you’ll manifest in the near future. Perhaps this vision comes to you...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Peace’ will share their gift of love with you. It can be delivered in various forms; Someone may say or do something to...
Angel Message Week of 3/28: The ‘Angel of Patience’ will help you breathe easy through a rough patch this week. You cannot push nor rush a task that you desire...
Angel Message for Week 3/7: The ‘Angels of Harmony’ visit this week to help you see how everyone and everything is synchronized to your energy....
Angel Message for Week 1/11 ~ The Angel of Education plans to visit you this week to teach you about finding harmony with others in...
Angel Message for Week 3/9 ~ Simplicity: I see archangel Gabriel holding a single lily flower. Gabriel is known as the communicator of life and...