- Laura Lee
I keep seeing a lot of bats & deer; what does it mean? Liz Your keen observations of your spirit guides, Liz, are not to...
- Laura Lee
Your Spirit Message: Your spirit is undeniably resilient. It is bold, bright, beautiful, strong, and wise. Your higher self knows what to do if...
- Laura Lee
Your Spirit Message: Sharpen your focus on what’s most important in the New Year. Your vision is clear, and you have a keen...
- Laura Lee
Your spirit message: Your source of power is within. No one person, place, or thing can give or take away your power without...
- Laura Lee
VIP Message for Elle: I am wondering if my departed parents have any messages for me. I guess I don’t have a specific question other...
- Laura Lee
Angel Message: You are lucky – incredibly! You’re in the right place at the right time for a lucky break. It occurs because you anticipated...
- Laura Lee
Messages of Love Story by Emily My previous homeowner’s spirit possesses my home. He doesn’t give me any bad vibes but more warm feelings. I...
- Laura Lee
Collaborate ~ Angel Message: Be open to opportunities for collaborating with others. Going solo has advantages up to a point, but sooner or later, you’ll...
- Laura Lee
Resolution ~ Angel Message: Reaffirm your new year resolution(s). Did you know it takes approximately 21 days to form a habit? And that’s what you’ve attempted...