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Your Spirit Message:   Sharpen your focus on what’s most important in the New Year.   Your vision is clear, and you have a keen...
Source of power
Your spirit message:   Your source of power is within.   No one person, place, or thing can give or take away your power without...
VIP Message for Elle: I am wondering if my departed parents have any messages for me. I guess I don’t have a specific question other...
Angel Message: You are lucky – incredibly! You’re in the right place at the right time for a lucky break. It occurs because you anticipated...
Messages of Love Story by Emily My previous homeowner’s spirit possesses my home. He doesn’t give me any bad vibes but more warm feelings. I...
Collaborate ~ Angel Message:  Be open to opportunities for collaborating with others. Going solo has advantages up to a point, but sooner or later, you’ll...
Hope ~ Angel Message
Hope ~ Angel Message: Our world is downright scary right now.  BUT, I have hope and here’s why you should be hopeful too.  You can...
Resolution ~  Angel Message: Reaffirm your new year resolution(s). Did you know it takes approximately 21 days to form a habit? And that’s what you’ve attempted...
Confidence ~ Angel Message; Confidence earns trust from others. When you believe in yourself, others believe in you too. By association, you empower others to...
Grateful ~ Angel Message:  A grateful spirit receives many rewards. By staying positive, or focusing on the blessings, you attract more of the same into...