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Your Spirit Message: What’s your rush all about?   Does the adrenaline of keeping busy make you feel productive or more important than the next...
Source of power
Your spirit message:   Your source of power is within.   No one person, place, or thing can give or take away your power without...
Confident ~ Angel Message A confident nature yields light upon your path. Trusting your instincts, doing what you feel called to do, gains personal power,...
Hopeful – Angel Message: A hopeful spirit keeps you motivated. You expect the best from yourself and others. Your positive outlook on the situation is...
Flow ~  Angel Message: You are in the flow. All is perfectly aligned. This includes your life ~ as it is now. Let go struggling...
Tender ~ Angel Messages: Tender is your heart. You’re especially sensitive to energies at this moment in time. Surround yourself with gentle environments, including friends...
Experience is angelic ~ Message of Love from Petra; I said my prayers then laid down to rest. When I came to, I was in a...
Gratitude; Angel Message.  You’re feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude. By acknowledging your feelings openly, you create a positive vortex field of energy called love....
Community: Angel Message for Week. You identify and link with a community. A common interest, religion and or trade draws you into their fold. Rather than...
Hope: Angel Message for August. You’re inspired by hope. Divine intervention can transmit hope in a myriad of ways including interactions with people, something you...