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Compassionate ~ Angel Message: Your heart is compassionate towards another person. There was friction between you two previously, but airing grievances explores your strained dynamic. Processing...
Tender ~ Angel Messages: Tender is your heart. You’re especially sensitive to energies at this moment in time. Surround yourself with gentle environments, including friends...
Learn ~ Angel Message: You learn news, about yourself and or someone else, that throws you for a loop. Take it all in because, yes,...
Flexibility: Angel Message for Week. Your flexibility is tested. You’re pushed out on a ledge for your highest good. The only way you grow is...
Shine: Angel Message of Week. You allow that little light of yours to shine bright. Nothing or no one can hold you back. Your force,...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Transformation’ will shift your ideas and views. Where you once held restraint, for whatever the excuse, now you’re...
Angel Message for July: The ‘Angel of Integrity’ redirects your attention back to the heart for divine guidance. You cannot control or manipulate outside forces to your will....
Angel Message for May: The ‘Angel of Enthusiasm’ is paying tribute to you this month. She’s like your built in cheerleader ~ encouraging your spirit...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Tenderness’ will open your heart to be empathetic and compassionate towards another who is feeling stuck AND/OR it...
Angel Message for Week 3/7: The ‘Angels of Harmony’ visit this week to help you see how everyone and everything is synchronized to your energy....