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Accept the invitation
Spirit Story Message to Accept The Invitation   Hello there, my dear fellow seekers! I hope this message finds you all in good spirits. I’m...
OPEN ~ Angel Message
Open ~ Angel Message: Be open to someone who has caused you distress. They have an important message to deliver that is intended to mend...
My sister
VIP Message for Arianna: My daughter thinks my sister (from other side) may have tried to contact her. Here’s the story; My daughter is a...
Angel Message: Eager
Angel Message for Week: Eager. You’re eager to dig in and do whatever’s necessary to make it happen. Even if it means getting your hands...
Angel Message for December: The ‘Angel of Obedience’ reminds you to pay attention and follow all signals. IF inner and outer signals are not simpatico, always...
VIP Message for Tina: I often wonder if anyone I have lost has an attachment to me or messages for me. I have dreams about them...
Message of Love from Cecilia: I had a group reading with Laura Lee about two years ago and also a telephone reading. My father always...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Expectancy’ works with you this week to expect the very best outcome. You already know within your heart...
Message of Love from Zara: My sister and I communicate with our deceased family with numbers on license plates and check out total sales, etc....
Angel Message for December 2015: The angel of communication is Archangel Gabriel. She’ll pay you a visit this month, before the end of 2015, to help...