Clear ~ Angel Message: Clear past remnants to embrace life in the new decade. Let go of people and things that no longer serve your...
The ‘Angel of Grace’ energizes you to accomplish what matters most ~ effortless. What seemed like an overwhelming task (or hurdle), most recently, is simply...
Angel Message for October: The ‘Angel of Grace’ divinely intervenes to bless your positive intentions and efforts towards a goal(s). Grace reveals truth; You are...
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Gratitude’ inspires you to have a grateful outlook for all that’s happened and for what is happening now....
VIP Message for Lauren: As a child, I experienced an angel at the end of my bed. After being encouraged to explore this phenomena, I began experiencing...
Angel message for week 4/4/16: The ‘Angel of Expectancy’ delivers, most likely a message, this week, that you’ve long waited, and as well needed, to hear...
Angel Message for August: The ‘Angel of Efficiency’ will be involved in your life throughout the month. She is helping you discern what to toss...