Beauty ~ Angel Message: You recognize beauty by a single moment. As ugly as it may appear, at times, there is something to be said...
Patience ~ Angel Message; Practice patience without trouble or worry about what will or won’t happen. Find your zone by minding your own business. Don’t...
Transformation ~ Angel Message An inner transformation shifts your sights to the light. Things happen out of your control; it’s part of life. There’s no...
Faith: Angel Message You take a leap of faith. Someone, and or something transpires this week, giving you a gentle nudge. This support boosts your...
Angel Message for Week: Accept You learn to accept who IS as they are or what IS as it IS. This is important for evolving past...
VIP message for Deidra: I have a question that is burning inside me. I don’t understand why I have no close friends, not even family....
Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Courage’ is by your side whispering ‘just do it!’. He encourages you with a nudge. Goethe’s quote from...
Angel Message for November; The ‘Angel of Courage’ gives you strength to take a leap of faith towards a direction that your heart beckons. And...