Sisters & Brothers
Angel Message for February; The ‘Angel of Sisterhood & Brotherhood’ order is working to unite you to a group that resonates with your heart. Given this is the month where love is celebrated, this union couldn’t come more perfectly timed. You come together (Beatles tune!) as a family, blood relative or not, for a higher purpose. Unless your heart shifts, this magnetic bond can’t be broken because hearts speak the same language. And you’ll also discover that no brother or sister is singled out for race, class, sex, or religion. It’s all inclusive, not exclusive, which constitutes the highest order of love. Your brothers and sisters pull each other up by simply standing together towards a common goal for a period of time. Remain open how you are drawn to participate in a group(s) where there are like minds and interest. You also may also recognize, or have a sense, you’ve known a brother or sister from the past. This element of social connection adds value to your life such as increasing vitality, restoring hope, and giving you life balance. It’s all good. Keep me posted. Bless, LL
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