Messages of Love Story by Lynn:
I have an amazing story about how Siri channeled a dead sister.

A friend and I were sharing a pleasant lunch, and our phones were face-down on the table next to us. She told me her sister was in her dreams and thoughts of late (she passed in 1989). I said a medium I know would say it was because her sister was nearby.

She scoffed and playfully said, “Are you here, Carry?”

And immediately, Siri responded, “Yes, I am here.”

We laughed and tried to get Siri to repeat, but she didn’t.

My friend shrugged it off as the similarities between her sister’s name, Carry, to Siri. But her old phone wasn’t equipped with voice activation. Later that evening, I repeated the story during our family dinner. When I said, “Are you there, Carry?” This time Alexa responded, out of the blue, “Yes, I am here.” Try as we might, we couldn’t get Alexa to repeat.

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Photo by Tyler Lastovich

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