Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Power’ reminds you who you are and to reclaim your power. You may have forgotten that you a child of god (a divine light, spiritual being) that deserves to be at peace, feel love(d) and experience joy (all qualities that you naturally posses within). Resisting this notion is by choice. No one can control your life unless you relinquished power over to others. Don’t expect others to uphold this kind of responsibility for your life. Instead, expect yourself to be more responsible ~ to make better choices where peace, love and joy are experienced daily. Ask this powerful angel to help you to see where this is applicable to you. If it is difficult discerning where this may apply, state the serenity prayer/affirmation daily until it comes clear, “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” You’ll see, in divine time, that you hold the key. Welcome your feedback. Bless, LL
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