Angel Message for Week: The ‘Angel of Patience’ will work with you to remain calm, collective, and quiet to overcome anxieties associated with all the going ons ~ especially during the holiday season hustle. She can lead you to activities that help you release the pressure through holiday gatherings with friends, family, colleagues, exercise, meditation, reading, listening to music, singing, painting, or playing with children, etc. This peace of mind will bring clarity and focus so that you can prioritize what’s most important ~ which helps you maintain balance and a sense of self sanity! Surrender all your other concerns, worries or fears as they will resolve themselves in good time. If this is difficult for you to do, ask for your angels assistance, by visualizing yourself surrendering those things that weigh heavy on your heart into your angels arms and see them fly away with your burdens while stating, ’Thanks for taking care of my concerns (whatever concerns you) and restoring my heart with peace. And it is done (within a matter of seconds you should feel a sense of peace ~ if anxiety plagues you again later, do this exercise again). Today is the Full Moon: it offers the perfect time to release those things that burden your soul. Energetically, the full moon’s power can dissolve the heaviest of emotions to lighten the load for you. I highly recommend this Full Moon Meditation from Healer ’Mitra’;
Welcome your feedback. Bless, LL