Remain open to the possibilities life has to offer you.
It’s not IF incredible things ever happen to you, but WHEN they happen, embrace these out-of-the-blue opportunities to steer out of your comfort zone. The divine creator works in the field of the unknown and mysteriously weaves transitory moments into your life to collide with your faith and answer your silent prayers. They may appear daily as mundane life events. Such as a chance encounter with persons or places. A new situation or challenge can reveal a new world you didn’t know existed. Sharing a vulnerable part of your heart with someone or a stranger may divulge the correct answer, insights, or guidance you need. Anything can happen at any moment, making life surprisingly magical and an exciting adventure.
There are telltale signs when you’re closed off from life’s possibilities.
It’s an everyday occurrence to hit the snooze button at the start of your day. You’re tired and sick to cope with life. You avoid uncomfortable situations or hide away from people with an unhealthy distraction. Second-guessing decisions comes as your first nature. Worse, your mind always latches on to the worst outcome after you make a choice. You refrain from making decisions for as long as possible, and then people make them for you. Spontaneously say no or yes to people’s invites, gifts, offers to assist you, or requests to help without thinking of the outcome. And finally, you can’t remember when you last did something nice for yourself, let alone another person. From your perspective, life is overly complicated, with little to no joy.
You’re open to possibilities when life flows with grace.
It’s not that you’re happy 24 hours seven days a week, but you can see both sides of the coin and choose to keep your head up as much as possible. You can small talk to anyone about anything is a good signal you’re on track. Thoughts of someone spur you to reach out to them. When you receive an invitation, a gift or someone offers you help, you aren’t quick to say yes or no; instead, you say, ‘let me get back to you’ to check in with your spirit. You wake up with hope in your heart for a good day. Consciously, you replace anxiety thoughts with more pleasant views or doing something that makes you feel good. You make a conscious effort to make someone’s day. Moreover, you do something for yourself that brings you joy or peace. The impossible becomes possible with deliberate intent; welcome your day by opening your heart to any opportunity.
Tune into your spirit with Radio Medium Laura Lee