Question from Cynthia/CA: Hello Laura Lee, I have a desire to switch to music as my career. Music is LIFE and I would love to be able to share my passion for music with the world. I have the opportunity to attend a summer jazz vocal camp in August, but I am wondering how to handle the cost. I feel as though this is a positive and life changing event. What are you sensing is the outcome?
Medium Laura Lee: FAITH! That is what you need to take the first step and commit to action ~ then the money will come to you. Just do it. I believe this group, the camp, may offer funding that may not be publicly promoted, such as scholarship/grants into their program. You may want to investigate further to learn more. Not so sure it will be available for this fall, but I hear they have offered funding in the past ~ At any rate, I also feel if these people hear your passion, they’d help you find a way and may offer some sort of work program in exchange. Ask and you shall receive 🙂 ~ that’s what I mean by taking action. I also believe that you will have some support from an unlikely family member. As I say this, I have the sense that you get your ability from a female on the other side (And or she is inspiring you too), perhaps maternal, and I feel church seemed to play an important role with music, while jazz was appreciated, I’m also told there was a little more country ! Singing and keyboard/piano where also pivotal. I also see angels were favored, like ‘collected’ among things surrounding this person (and or you?)….And so those are confirmations that what you are feeling, ‘positive and life changing’, is truly your spirit inspiring you to make a move now. I’m told you have nothing holding you back now, other than you…and your afraid to make the move for fear that it may make waves with others near you, but, life is too short not doing what you love to do…especially when you say it is ‘music is life’.…what else is there for you? I left a secure and comfortable job years ago and leaped into mediumship. It was always something that I just did, it was in my heart. I had faith that my guidance wouldn’t led me astray and to live my life accordingly to my calling. I’ll be the first to admit that it’s not always going to be easy, but you can make it work. Anything is possible with God…Keep me posted. Bless, LL
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