Angel Message of the Week: The ‘Angel of Love” invites you to engage only with people, places, things and activities that you love. Let your heart do the leading this week (reread Angel Message for New Year: Trust). Step aside from everything that makes you angry, hate, sad, weak, tired, and ill. Make an excuse if you have to avoid those things that don’t bring you peace, love or joy. IF it is unavoidable for you to be involved with someone or something (say as your work, pay a bill, dealing with an unpleasant soul ) where love is void, invite the ‘Angel of Love’ to bestow love with this exercise; Take a deep breath and upon exhale, visualize sending love and light from your heart onto the person, place, thing or activity ~ while stating, “I intend love to rule over XYZ’ (whatever it is; dynamic, situation, activity, etc). You’ll witness a shift before your eyes which will prove miraculous for you and all involved. Each and every day, and in every minute, we can choose to welcome love or fear into our hearts. Invest your time wisely to improve your well-being; mind, body and spirit. You’ll find a sense of freedom, from all burden, darkness, when love is invoked. Welcome your feedback. Bless, LL

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