Angel Message for June: The ‘Angel of Light’ shines over you and clears away the shadows (fears..doubt) for you to see clearly. Communication, with key persons (earth or heavenly angels :-), brings about an epiphany (a sudden intuitive perception of or insight into the reality) designed to activate you. Pay attention when you ‘hear’ something that resonates within (Please review Angel Message for 2017: Trust). You are ready to receive the insight ~ this time. The message enlightens and transforms you. It propels you in a direction that will require consistent work and patience. Despite what you may think, you aren’t alone on this journey. P.S. Perfect for Full Moon Fri June 9 which is the Strawberry Moon named by the Algonquin tribes who knew it was a signal to gather ripening fruit! A yummy prediction ~ Keep me posted. Bless, LL
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