VIP question from Cathie/IL: Dear Laura Lee, I wanted to let you know that our Laura is healing SO fast now!! We have been overwhelmed with prayers and love and kindness from so many across the United States. We are so very grateful for all the love our family received during this very sad time. However, Laura’s kidneys are 98% back and her blood is doing great also! The doctors had found a blood clot problem with Laura that had caused the HELLP syndrome to occur. Meanwhile, our little gravesite burial was so beautiful. I believe our Hallie is in a beautiful place called Babyland. I have been dreaming of a baby lately, I do not know why? I always want to hold her and keep her in a safe place. My son and daughter-in-law Laura are moving into a new home next month. I think a good start over will be good for them. Their condo, which they now live in, is just so sad. So a new beginning will be a blessing for them. We miss our dear sweet beautiful baby girl but I know that they will be blessed with another. Laura said all she wants to be in life is a mom. I want to thank you for praying for us during this time and I can say that God is surrounding us with so much love. I deeply appreciate all that you do Laura Lee. Love, Cathie
Medium Laura Lee: Dear Cathie, thank you for sharing. I’m so so sorry for Laura’s, as well as the families, loss. I know there really isn’t one thing to say that will bring any relief after such traumatic experience. However, I will continue to pray for her full recovery and peace during this time.
Speaking of Laura’s recovery, it doesn’t surprise me at all how rapid the process is going for her ~ especially when you invoke the healing power of angels and that includes the loving family supporting her through this life passage. As for the baby ‘dreams’, I’m pretty sure that little spirit is letting you know that she is waiting for the perfect opportunity to renter and be part of your world where you will indeed hold her in your arms. I also believe that your son and daughter in laws relocation will help them move forward. While I understand that Laura’s most important mission is to be a mom, remind her that she has to use this time to ‘baby’ herself right now so that she can be the mom she always wanted to become. Her baby was an angel sent to help her uncover some underlying matters that needed to be resolved for her to become 100% healthy….and be the best possible mom.
Miracles grow out of challenges!
A quick story, I had a troubled pregnancy too. My doctors fretted and worried about the well being of my child at around 5 months. I didn’t mind their guidance, but instead I tended to my personal business…yes, that means I ate a tremendous amount of Oreo cookies to work through the issue 🙂 but, more importantly, I kept my angels working overtime by affirming that me and my baby had 100% health. Every night I’d see them working on us by restoring our health! And then, miraculous things began to happen: The heart murmur, that I was afflicted with since birth, disappeared. That was totally unexpected, because it was something I always lived with in my life. And for the baby, that was supposed to have down syndrome…she came out as a very healthy and happy little girl. My daughter is my angel to help me remember that anything is possible.
And I would love to meet with you all when the time is right. Bless, LL
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