Gratitude; Angel Message.
You’re feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude. By acknowledging your feelings openly, you create a positive vortex field of energy called love. It is divine inspiration working through you: To go, do, act and or be of service. If you sense the feeling of gratitude emerge from the heart, express it at once whether it is a kind word, a material gift, and or assistance to someone in need.
Mia Farrow tweeted out gratitude to Lady Gaga for her performance in a Star is Born. ”Just saw #AStarIsBorn and @ladyGaga you are mesmerizing — powerful and truthful every second. Brava!” Farrow wrote. Read Gaga’s response;
Gratitude magnifies your blessings. Your positive energy field draws people, things and resources to you in unexpected measure. What you give out, unconditionally, comes back to you. While gratitude can be reciprocated from the other party, don’t expect it. The flow of energy maybe reciprocated in another manner or from different people. Be open to receive in whatever form is presented to you; Kind words, assistance, and or by opportunities are all gifts from the universe. Accept these gifts graciously.
Gratitude strengthens your spirit. Previously, it seemed your determination waned by unsurmountable obstacles. This week, however, a new light illuminates your path that frees the blocks and paves the way forward. Divine timing mysteriously works in your favor.
Keep me posted. Bless, LL
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