Angel Message for Week: Expertise. You rise to the occasion to employ your expertise. There is something you can do better than anyone else. And there is no better time to activate this skill set than now. You know it’s time. There is no time to waste your precious commodity. You’re ready and capable to use your talent for the greater good.
Unity. Your expertise comes in handy for a bigger cause than yourself. This is a good thing. It takes away from your everyday troubles and allows you to see a bigger picture; It’s not always about you 🙂 Besides, a lot of that heavy stuff you carried around, only dragged you down. This is more about unifying resources with others. For instance, did you hear about Mamoudou Gassama, a 22-year-old migrant from Mali living in France, who climbed a building with his bare hands to rescue a 4-year-old boy dangling from a balcony? Check out how one persons talent was put into action for greater good;
Love. Okay, so maybe climbing isn’t your forte. And we’re not talking a heroic act, such as Mamoudou Gassama, for you to unify with others. There are many different reasons why we pull together, in solidarity, and feel the need to utilize our talents. Whatever that maybe, ask yourself, “How can I serve?” Love is a unifying force that will drive you. It will empower and motivate you to take divine action. Like a pebble tossed into a pond, its impact will ripple outwards. Your response will positively touch others to take necessary steps too. Being your best and highest self can change the world around you. Welcome your feedback. Happy Memorial Day! LL
How does your spirit grow? Tune into spirit with me and Randi Fine on Blog Talk Radio; Wed, May 30 @ 10 am CT/ 11 am ET for free psychic mediumship readings. Read more;