Expectation ~ Angel Message:
Another person meets (or person’s meet) your expectations. They surprisingly come through when you believed forgotten. You had hoped for this outcome, but knew it wouldn’t make or break you. In your heart of hearts, you’d carry on with or without them because you always have. Plus, there are many things on this path that are equally worth pursuing. It helps you project confidence and a positive outlook for the future to attract more miracles into your life.
As you expected, this news (opportunity) begins a new life phase. Remain optimistic about carrying forward on your journey. Naturally, it isn’t always easy. The sun doesn’t shine every day. You’ll have your challenges, but nothing unmanageable. It helps that you surround yourself with supportive people. They offer life balance by giving you a healthy perspective as the big picture unfolds.
Be patient, you can expect more good to come. You set the bar high, and it takes time. It can’t all happen overnight, that would be too overwhelming for you and everyone around you. The universe will hand out bits as you’re ready, allowing you to adjust, adapt, and evolve into your role. You are becoming the person who you knew you were all along.
Keanon Lowe, football coach, comes through for Angel Granados-Dias (or Angel comes through for Keanon 🙂 by disarming his attempt for violence with compassion. Watch video on TODAY
Tune into spirit for insight, guidance, and answers with Radio Medium Laura Lee; LISTEN!