Angel Message for Week 12/7: The ‘Angel of Expectancy’ presents a gift to you this week (literally or metaphorically). There is a sense of excitement surrounding this gift and that it has something to do with an ‘adventure’ for you. This means to engage in an exciting activity and or the exploration of unknown territory. I’m so excited writing this message that I can’t wait to see it myself ~ and/or hear what it means for you! You can expect to hear or receive this gift spontaneously ~ when you least expect it. Be open and receptive to receive this gift, because it is an answered prayer ~ especially if you have goosebumps or butterflies in the stomach region. Get out of your head ~ pay attention to these inner signals that indicate you need to go for it. I believe this event transpires as a result of prior communications with others (December Angel Message). Welcome your feedback ~
Bless, LL