Ever happen ~ VIP Message:
Laura, I have written a psychological thriller based on my life with dissociative disorder. I had a chance to go with a traditional publisher but listened to advice to keep creative control and self publish. I feel I may have made a huge mistake. I’m getting rave reviews, but I can’t seem to get sales up with advertising. I hired a pr firm, and the contract is coming to an end. There has been possible national media interest in my story, but nothing has come through yet. I really want to share the story with the world. I feel like it could help people. Will this ever happen? Lisa
Laura Lee: Congratulations LISA!
Reread your question 🙂 IT’S HAPPENING ~ but it appears you don’t believe it yourself! You shared your story with the world. You wrote a book about it…and then you published it! You are helping people and will help many more to come. Receiving rave reviews validate your work! You achieved all this, mind you, managing a dissociative disorder.
You’re an amazing woman!
Have you ever stopped a moment to give yourself credit for what you accomplished? I know a lot of writers who aren’t handicapped with a disorder that can’t even finish a book.
You achieved your goal(s), but maybe you weren’t clear about your sales goals until now. If I read into your question ~ your heart ~ sales weren’t a top priority for this project ~ ‘will this happen’ (for sales) remains unclear. It doesn’t mean that you can’t re-identify a new goal now ~ listen to your heart at what’s best for you;
Do you want to see a 20% increase or an 80% increase in sales?
Do you want to become a bestseller online globally?
Or do you want to become a New York Times Bestseller?
IF you have already set a goal, it’s never too late to achieve your objective. By self-publishing, you’ve accepted all responsibility to make it happen ~ it’s up to you!
Whatever decision you made in the past, you made it for a good reason. STOP kicking yourself over what you did or didn’t do ~ that’s a block. Otherwise, you’ll get held up in a spin cycle of grief that zaps creative juices from flowing. It would help to reserve that energy to find creative marketing solutions for promoting your book.
If you haven’t already, send a copy back to the traditional agent/publisher to see if they’d still take it on! Get creative by co-branding your book with organizations that support people with your type of disorder. Have your PR firm, seek out interviews from the perspective of managing the disease and becoming an author. Find ways to engage your fans by becoming more active on your social media platforms.
Finally, you don’t want to put up roadblocks for your inner muse from writing more amazing psychological thrillers. You already have an idea what to write next. If you haven’t already started, do it now!
Learn from this experience, keep working on a system to meet your next goal, and move onto your next project. The pot never boils when you’re watching it, so get busy cooking. I suggest you read
Keep me posted ~ wishing you best on your journey!
Bless, LL
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