Angel Message for Week: Eager. You’re eager to dig in and do whatever’s necessary to make it happen. Even if it means getting your hands dirty, makes you sweat, and raises your pulse rate, enthusiasm propels you to jump in with two feet to get things done. It’s like you’re living Nike’s motto (maybe wearing the tennies too :-); Just do it! Your positive energy flow creates a vortex of blessings around you.
Spontaneous. Spontaneous miracles, blessings from out of the blue, flow to you. Positive energy attracts more positive good. People, things and opportunity are magnetized to you as a result of your hard work. Go with the flow. These blessings point out your direction. Duke Dawson sets this example. You may/may not be a big football fan, but the Patriots just recruited new team player Duke Dawson from Florida Gators. His hard work, a team player, and commitment to remain in school until graduation, earned him the respect of the NFL and as well as his family who supported his dreams (despite his Dad being a FSU player). Watch this video to learn more how Duke Dawson is EAGER to play for the Patriots;
This is how it works for you too ~ as long as you keep on keeping on!
Support. Sometimes it feels like you’re alone on the journey. You are, however, always supported mentally, physically and spiritually. And sometimes that support comes from people you least suspect. Honor your truth. Your heart and passion will attract those who believe ~ once you believe in you! With conviction of heart, you will know who your true friends and family are. Your Earth Angels will be rooting you from the side lines ~ just like Duke Dawson.
Welcome your feedback. Bless, LL
PS CONTACT YOUR DEPARTED for healing and closure. World tele-seminar Wed, May 16 @ 6 pm PT, 7 pm MT, 8 pm CT, 9 pm ET. Register Now! And or cut/paste URL into browser to learn more;