Angel Message for November; The ‘Angel of Courage’ gives you strength to take a leap of faith towards a direction that your heart beckons. And it is about time, because you’ve known for a long while what you needed to do but feared you weren’t worthy, maybe rejection and or it would turn out to be a complete waste of your time. But you can’t afford to wait any longer as this angel compels you to act. You simply have to come to terms with yourself that this is your truth and honor this inner guidance for your well being as well as others around you. There is a total consensus, support, and a synthesis, like the colors on a rainbow that coalesce; All working parts unify when you take this step as if the universe was waiting on you to make the decision. Coincidences, blessings, and miracles will prove it is the right thing to do. Keep me posted. Happy Holidays, LL
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