Confident ~ Angel Message

A confident nature yields light upon your path. Trusting your instincts, doing what you feel called to do, gains personal power, inner strength, and courage to climb higher. Heaven and Earth will move to support your quest. Synchronicities and miracles begin to happen. The right people and resources appear. These sparks of light signal you are heading in the right direction.

Go confidently in the direction your heart beckons. The divine call is unmistakable. There is passion, excitement, and joy whenever you think about the pursuit and or when you’re actively involved. You love to be around the people, you enjoy the process and the environment is stimulating. You’re energized and inspired by the connections. Peace washes away anxieties. A gentle whisper within says, “this feels right.” And it is so. 

A confident nature transforms your soul. At least, fake it until you make it happen. When you believe, others will eventually believe in you too. Meanwhile, don’t mind what others think or say about your dreams. There is no one you need to prove. Do it for you. This is your life, what are you waiting for?  

US scientists were confident their undersea cameras would capture life beyond the human eye. And they were right when they saw a “giant squid was captured on camera for the first time…” READ MORE in CNN 

Tune into spirit with Radio Medium Laura Lee for insight, guidance, and answers; LISTEN!

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