Confidence ~ Angel Message;
Confidence earns trust from others. When you believe in yourself, others believe in you too. By association, you empower others to believe in themselves too. If you feel insecure, people will pick up on that vibe and lose faith in you. You were born perfect in the creators image. Everything about you, including all your foibles (imagined or not imagined), make you unique and special. Stand up and proud to be you.
Confidence allows you to lead by example. You teach by simply being and doing. You’re a role model for those who look up to you for guidance and direction. Everyone needs a hero in their lives. Unannounced to you, some people look to you in this role. If you’re searching for that special person, look no further than yourself; Be your own hero.
Confidence draws support. You build a network of people that stand behind you ~ all the way. As your self-confidence grows, your support grows in numbers too. They follow your lead, because you’re accomplishments demonstrate you’re capable of rising up. Today, is no different. You are still able and willing to put in the work. And if you felt you have slipped up, that’s okay. It was only a temporary period; A break to learn something new about yourself and the world. Pick up where you left off and walk confidently in your desired direction. Your actions speak louder than words.
Ellen DeGeneres confidently confides s secret publicly and it makes us love her all the more. ‘She describes being sexually abused by her stepfather…when she was 15 – and reveals her mother did not believe her for years” Read More Daily Mail
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