Angel Message for Week: Cleanse. Your mind, body and spirit is cleansed of toxicity for clarity and transformation. This may come as a conscious decision to free your mind of troubles, and or releasing through a good cry and or you discover a new way to transcend heavy baggage through diet, exercise, meditation, therapy, or good old rest and relaxation.
Over the last week, Ryan Seacrest encouraged his co-host Kelly Ripa to complete the iZO’s Superfood Cleanse. Read more on People; A favorite method for Gwyneth Paltrow, this strict juice cleanse isn’t for everyone. In fact, Ripa threatened to leap off the strict program. As with any fast, the objective is to cleanse the body from toxins and reboot.
Everyone’s different, so follow your instincts for what path works best for you. It doesn’t have to be a ‘literal’ cleanse. Maybe it’s a combination of things that happen and or a mix of traditional with alternative methods to release all the heavy stuff. Bottom line, you’ll know what resonates within you.
Clarity. After purification, you’ll receive a clear vision of what’s most important. An ‘ah-ha’ moment of insight drops in out of the blue. Divine inspiration is a way to help you get back on course when you’ve taken an unexpected detour. The information isn’t really anything new. You’ve heard it many times before and you simply remember where you were heading and what it is you must do. Your inner truth, light, resurfaces after being blocked by a dark cloud.
Transformation. Whatever path purifies your spirit to receive clarity, this process is transformational. Carrying a lighter load transcends old limitations and beliefs. You may have already been on course to shift and this process completes the transformation or it initiates a long overdue change you’ve expected for some time. It’s all good. Remember that you are always free to choose. Alignment with your soul’s objective brings about more joy, peace and love. Welcome your feedback. Bless, LL
Recommended reading Angel Message for June: Patience.