Message of Love Story from Judy: I listened to your show (when it was on air and reviewing podcasts) and started to apply some of the techniques you’ve recommended other callers for prosperity. At first I was afraid to ask for money or help increase my wealth, feeling selfish for making such request when other people are starving in this world. Given I’ve tried absolutely everything ~ I was reluctant, but thought it was worth the try to find alternative solutions for my family. So I began asking the angels to divinely intervene on my behalf, also my dear old dad and sister on the other side, to help me reduce my mortgage rate below 4% and increase my income. I also handed over, visually, my check book and mortgage papers to my angels as you instructed….and started reading more books. It took awhile, but kept asking with faith. I was so elated to discover that my mortgage company offered me a 3.75% rate just last week and not to mention that I was just offered a new project that significantly increased my income and covers all my monthly expenses. It’s a miracle! I believed. I am excited to know that help is available when we just ask!

IF you have a story to share about angels, miracles or messages from your dearly departed (guides), please email it, along with a digital image (if possible) to; [email protected]

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