Angel Message for Week 4/14: Beauty ~ See an angel blowing dandelion seeds and watching them fly, which is making the landscape more beautiful, colorful and vibrant when each one lands on the ground. She’s intentionally sending these seeds out to create something new. If you’re thinking weed control, like me, the angels inform me this message means the most obvious; springs emerging. But more importantly, you are emerging and feel the urge to take action; create, reinvent, rebirth, and renew. It’s natural for all living things to grow. And if you aren’t growing, you are decaying. New growth is nature’s way to let go of the past, move forward and awaken something within you that is beautiful. And will make your world a more beautiful place because it is shared with others. If you haven’t already taken action from last weeks message, to create, this is a reminder that the time is ripe for you to tackle that project. The angel doesn’t just drop the dandelion; she blows the seeds to scatter among the earth. So if the task seems daunting, take baby steps. You know what you need to do. If you haven’t got the courage, just ask for help. Again, just your intention to move towards a direction and small steps will naturally build your enthusiasm, drawing the right support including people, things, and other financial support. And you’ll see, just like nature, grace is moving through you to make your world a more beautiful space. Keep me posted. Bless, LL

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