Alluring ~ Angel Message:

Someone has an alluring quality that draws you in. Something special makes them appealing not only to you, but others too. Pin point what it is about them that you admire. Perhaps you find their physical beauty, or their inner beauty, attractive. Maybe you’re drawn to their unique style, inner strength or the way they express themselves. It could be you appreciate this person’s generous heart, their power, wealth or status that they wield. Whatever ‘it’ factor you believe they have ~ you have ‘it’ too. 

Explore that ‘alluring’ quality within yourself. How does this person make you feel? Pay attention to this intuitive signal. Feelings are a gateway to something that lays latent within you. Your spirit is awakening. This person reflects a similar quality within you that desires self-expression. This doesn’t mean you’re to be a carbon copy of the other person. It simply means that this person is giving you permission to ‘be, do, have’ too ~ but in your unique way. They are a spirit guide, inspiring your soul’s direction. (Learn how to Contact Your Guide for Direction Tele-Seminar April 30, 2019)

It’s time to free your ‘alluring’ quality. This passage fits with your new narrative right now. You’re spiritual transformation is manifesting into physical form. This change has been coming about for a long time. You’re releasing old blocks and views of self that no longer serve your life. This passage is about walking your talk now. You instinctively knew this life makeover was coming in divine time. Your life will inspire others to rise up and do the same.   

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Tune into spirit with Radio Medium Laura Lee for insight, guidance and direction. 

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